Samukelisiwe is a young girl who lives with her mother, MaNyathi. Manyathi believes that her father, Thabani, is dead, but Samukelisiwe believes that he is being used as a zombie. Unbeknown to her, she is right. A family that she and her mother are close to is doing it, and she is friends with one of the children of that family. One day, the family using Thabani plans to sacrifice MaNyathi, but an Angel is sent to Samukelisiwe in order to help her protect her mother and teach her how to use her spiritual gifts. Read the following story to find out if Samukelisiwe ends up being able to help her mother.
Ntabazinduna’s Prayer – Cast of Characters
Samukelisiwe : young girl, spiritually gifted
MaNyathi : Samueklisiwe’s mother
Thabani : Samukelisiwe’s father
Buhle and Melusi : Twins, Samukelisiwe’s schoolmates
Thembani : Samukelisiwe’s schoolmate and friend, Buhle and Melusi’s cousin
Learner 1, Learner 2, and Learner 3 : Three learner arguing about soccer on the way to school.
MaNxumalo : Witch, Buhle and Melusi’s mother
MaMkhwanazi : witch, Thembani’s mother, MaNxumalo’s sister
Nyathi : Angel, Samukelisiwe’s ancestor
Math Teacher/Preacher