(After one hour of sleeping on the bed, Asiphe is now awake, and everybody has been waiting for her in the sitting room while Lusapho sat right by her bed side, holding her hand.)

Asiphe: Are they still here?

Lusapho: Yes, they’re all still here. You really scared us, babe.

Asiphe: Babe? After finding out that the man I love is my blood brother, that doesn’t sound right anymore. Do you even believe that all of this is true? Because I don’t!

Lusapho: You don’t have to go that side, I’ll go call them to come here so we can find out if it’s true or not. Let’s give your mother a chance to tell us the full story of what happened.

(Lusapho calls everyone to come in.)

Lusapho: So, tell us what happened back then? Why did you abandon me? You ran and left me there with someone you didn’t even know, why?

Noluyolo: A few days before I found out that I was pregnant with you, I was raped. I was raped by two men in our neighbourhood, but they got arrested after I reported the incident to the police. No, Lusapho, don’t look at me like that. You were not born out of rape. I discovered that I was pregnant, yes, but I was five weeks pregnant, and that was long before I was raped. But, when I told your father about it, he became furious and concluded that you were the result of the rape. Trust me, he was a very kind and loving husband before that, but after hearing the news about my pregnancy, the insults and the abuse began. He even started drinking a lot, and some nights he was never home. Through all of it, there was never a day where I thought about removing the pregnancy. So, one day, while I was busy cooking, I saw a lot of water on the floor, and I knew that it was time for me to deliver you. Your father was there, so I asked him to take me to the hospital with his car or call the ambulance, but instead of doing of that, he kicked me out and told me to never bring you into his house because, if I did, he would kick me out forever. I had no one back then, and I was not working, so he was the only one providing for me. So, I had a choice to make, and my choice was to give life. It was raining heavily that day, and there was no one in the streets to help. I was already a few seconds away from giving birth, so I gave birth by myself, and lost a lot of blood in the process. I gave birth to a baby boy, and just when I was about to lose consciousness, this other lady came along. When I saw her, my mind just told me to run, never look back, and leave the baby with her. I never saw you two again, until the day at the hospital when the doctor brought in the DNA results. Lusapho, I’m your biological mother, and Asiphe was born two years after you.

Lusapho: And our father, where is he?

Noluyolo: He’s no more. He died when Asiphe was barely a year old.

Asiphe: So, the man that I’ve known as my father all these years is actually not my biological father? Lusapho and I share the same father and mother? Why didn’t you tell me this? Are there any other secretes that you’re holding from me that I should know about? What kind of a person are you? No, in fact, who are you? Because clearly you’re not the person who raised me!

Noluyolo: When Sakhile and I met, you had already been born. He raised you as his own, and we were blessed with another girl in the process.

Asiphe: Get out, please! I don’t want to hear anything further, so please get out! (She speaks in a furious tone, and Kegomoditswe tries to calm her down.)


Tell us: What do you think is going to happen next?