(Isaac walks to the back of the truck and sees the packages of cocaine that are packed in chronological order.)

Isaac: This cannot be happening. I am sure that drug dealer, Joe, is behind this. He is trying to set me up, and he is succeeding. Please officer, you have to believe me!

Justin: (Sighs.) You do not have any evidence to claim that fact, young man, and now you will have to come with us to your new permanent house!

Police Officer Simon: You were busy delivering a truck full of cocaine to another location. That is a shitty thing to do, young man. Now you will have to spend the rest of your days in jail!

(Ms Phillips and Hannah arrive with a taxi, get out, and then run to Isaac.)

Ms Phillips: (Hugs Isaac tightly.) My son, what is going on? Why did they handcuff you?

Isaac: (Cries.) Mom, I am so sorry for treating you and Hannah badly. You tried to warn me about Joe, and now look. Because of my stubbornness and greed, he has trapped me!

Police Officer Simon: Ma’am, your son over here was delivering illegal cocaine. We managed to stop him in time.

Ms Phillips: (Wipes her tears.) My son is innocent, officer. That drug dealer Joe is behind this whole thing, and now he is trying to take my son away from me.

Hannah: (Cries.) It is true, Joe is behind all of this, officer!

Police Officer Simon: (Walks Isaac to his car.) Get your son a lawyer that will represent him, otherwise, the chances are strong that he will rot in jail!

Isaac: (Cries while climbing into the car.) Mom, please help me!

Ms Phillips: Do not worry, my son, mom will help you out. I will not let you stay in jail, my son!

(The other police officers come and take the truck away while Isaac is on his way to the police station with Police Officer Simon.)

Hannah: (Hugs her mother.) Mom, do not worry, everything will be fine. We will not lose Isaac.

Ms Phillips: (Starts crying.) What has my son become? What did I do to deserve this?

Hannah: (Plants a kiss on her mother’s forehead.) Do not worry, mother, I am here. I will not let my brother spend a night in jail.

Tell us: What do you think is going to happen next?