(Isaac arrives at school. He then parks the car in the parking area, enters the school, and walks into his classroom.)

Mrs Jones: You are late again, Isaac, for the 20th time this week. You are getting detention after school!

Isaac: (Mumbles.) As usual, she is being a jerk.

Mrs Jones: (Takes off her glasses.) Did you say something, Mr Phillips?

Isaac: (Storms out the classroom.) You should try becoming a prostitute. That way, you can break your virginity before you retire!

Hannah: (Stands up.) I am sorry, Mrs Jones, my brother did not really mean that. He is still depressed, so please do not take it seriously.

Isaac: (Screams.) Hannah, stop being an innocent pathetic fool, and I really meant that, Mrs Jones!

Mrs Jones: Hannah, you better tell your mother about your brother’s inappropriate behaviour towards his teacher!

Hannah: (Whispers.) What has gotten into Isaac? He was not like this before. Is he on drugs again? I have to tell our mother about this. (She texts her mother.) Mom, Isaac was very rude to Mrs Jones, and he humiliated her in front of the entire class. You need to talk to him, he may be on drugs again.

Tell us: What do you think about Isaac’s behaviour towards his teacher?