(Isaac walks out of Mr Joes Casino in a hurry, and he gets into the car having forgotten about the money he had left behind.)

Tony: (Sighs.) What took you so long? Did a prostitute strip for you in the bathroom?

Isaac: I just had a business talk with Mr Joe, that is all.

Tony: You do know that he is a criminal, right? That he is a criminal who owns an illegal casino, right?

Isaac: (Nods his head.) Yes, I do know that. In fact, that is why he has given me a job. He will pay me a huge amount of money for an easy job. He trusts me that much.

Tony: Stay away from that crook’s business. He is not to be trusted, Isaac. You could get your hands burnt if you work for him, and hey, where is the cocaine?

Isaac: He is not what you think he is. He has helped my family since my father passed away, and I owe him at least for that. He is the father I never had … Forget about the cocaine, let us go school!

Tony: (Raises his eyebrow.) Mmm, what job did he give you to decide on now?

Isaac: It has got nothing to do with you, and it does not involve you, got it?

Tony: (Takes the car keys from Isaac.) We will not go anywhere until you tell me what job he has given you!

Isaac: (Frustrated.) Look, Tony, I really do not have time for games right now. I just want to go to school, so be a good boy and give those keys to me!

Tony: Like I said, either you tell me what job he gave you, or we will not go anywhere, Isaac!

Isaac: (Punches Tony directly on his face.) I told you to give me those keys, Tony, now look what you made me do. It was not necessary to do that, but as always, you have to be an asshole and irritate me.

Tony: What the hell, dude!

Isaac: (Grabs the keys.) You need to get the hell out of my mom’s car and find your own damn way home. I do not care if you die trying to get home, just get out of my face!

Tony: (Gets out of the car angrily.) Ever since that man gave you that job, you have become an asshole towards me. Soon you will realise that you made a mistake by pushing aside your best friend!

Isaac: (Yelling.) As if I would go crying to you like a faggot. Go to hell! I do not care at all, you moron! (He angrily drives away, leaving Tony behind all on his own.)

Tell us: What do you think caused Isaac to change his behaviour towards Toni?