(Lisa can now speak and Nomsa is no longer suffering from cancer. After 3 years, Sethu graduates at Wits University, and he is now Doctor Ngqoyiyana. After a while, he goes back to stay in Cape Town and started his own surgery there.)

(Sethu pays Molly a visit. She never went to tertiary.)

Molly: Hey buddy.

Sethu: Dr Ngqoyiyana, please. (He laughs.)

Molly: Even if you were the president of this country, you will always be buddy to me.

Sethu: And I know you. (They both laugh.)

Molly: Aren’t you supposed to be at work? Patients need you there, Dr Ngqoyiyana. I am busy with laundry here.

Sethu: You know what, give me that t-shirt you are holding.

Molly: What are you going to do with my t-shirt?

Sethu: Just give me the t-shirt. (She gives him the t-shirt and Sethu blindfolds her.) Now, we are gonna do this my way, and you will listen to whatever I say.

Molly: Okay Dr Ngqoyiyana, as you command, sir. (Sethu takes her to his car, and he puts her in.) Where are you driving to, buddy? Why can’t I see the place?

Sethu: Just relax buddy …

Molly: This thing is causing pain on my eyes.

Sethu: I know you’re so strong buddy, that pain is nothing to you.

(They arrive at the place. Sethu takes Molly out of the car, and he opens her eyes.)

Molly: (Surprised and shocked.) Oh Sethu, you bought another car? But this one is still okay, why wasting money?

Sethu: It is not mine.

Molly: Then, who’s car is it?

Sethu: It is my gift to you, buddy. You are the owner of the car.

Molly: (Crying) Sethu … (She hugs him for a while.) But wait, why did you surprise me here?

Sethu: Because your house is here. Take this keys Buddy, go and open that gate, it is your house.

Molly: (Crying.) Oh God, I do not have words to thank you Sethu. But thank you, my friend. I appreciate you so much. Thank you Sethu.

Sethu: Enough about thanking me buddy. Now, one last thing, I want you to prepare yourself, we are going to Gauteng Friday, just the two of us, for a weekend away.

Molly: (Excited.) Okay, okay … You are full of surprises, aren’t you? I will be ready then.

Sethu: Well, I don’t know, buddy. I need to leave, I have patients waiting for me. Jack, my friend, will drive you home. (He hugs her, then he leaves.)


Tell us: What do you think about Sethu’s gifts for Molly?