[Inside the car is Zandra and her boyfriend]

Tom: I want you to delete those Facebook posts. What you had with that boy is over.

Zandra: Immediately after the funeral, tomorrow I am deleting his pictures. I can’t believe he played me for years.

Tom: (laughs) And I remember how I used to tell you that Alex is bad news and you refused to believe me.

Zandra: True, but hey I showed him flames. No girl will suffer because of him anymore.

Tom: What time is the funeral?

Zandra: 09:00 I think. Oh no!

Tom: What?

Zandra: I forgot my cell phone, how could I be so stupid?

Tom: At least we’re not far, but you’re not expecting any calls right? And it is safe in your room, we can’t go back just for the phone, come on love.

Zandra: No, you know how Alex’s sister is. She calls nonstop and she expects me to answer. I have to answer my calls. I can’t afford to raise suspicions.

Tom: OK, we will not stay long at the restaurant, we will order take-aways and come back straight to your room.

Zandra: (frowns) No.


[In Zandra’s room]

Security guard: I am giving you 15 minutes OK?

Casey: Thanks a lot.

Selina: She left her phone.

Casey: Go through it. I found her diary.

Selina: (Shocked) Oh my God, I think we should get out of here.

Casey: What is it?

[Selina does not reply]

Casey: Look, all the pictures of girls Alex dated.

Selina: What? Eight girls? Check the day when Alex was murdered and see what she wrote.

Casey: (pages through the diary) Found it.

Selina: What it says? Here in their WhatsApp conversation, they were fighting Alex refused to dump me and…

Casey: (interrupts Selina) Oh God! We need to go and we need to phone the police. She did it. Zandra killed Alex.

Selina: (panics) What does it says? Read out loud.

Casey: Tonight I will show you the real me. Tonight I will teach you the lesson you will never forget, you don’t deserve to live, you have hurt a lot of girls. I’ll put a stop to that. The world will be a better place without you. Choosing Selina over me was a big mistake. Goodbye Alex. RIP.

Selina: (cries) He chose me, Oh Alex, why did you leave me?

Casey: Stop it. That does not change the fact that he cheated and he played us.

[Zandra walks in]

Zandra: (Claps hands) Wow! A party in my room, but I don’t know about it. What is going on here?

Casey: This is a mistake, I think we are in the wrong room, we thought it was our friend’s room. We should go now.

Zandra: Hmmm…. an ex and a side chick in Alex’s girlfriend’s room. Interesting. Honey come see, I found two bitches in my room.

Tom: (Laughs) Alex’s toys. Shouldn’t you guys be mourning or something?

Zandra: No, they are not, instead they’re busy snooping around my things. When did you guys become detectives? You know actually, you guys make great detectives. I guess our two beautiful detectives want the truth hmmm… The truth is I killed him, something you couldn’t do all these months. I did this for all of us, but since you guys won’t believe that I did this for us you will run to the police to have me arrested, right?

Casey: No, we won’t, we understand why you did it, please let us go.

Zandra: Go where? Babe, bring the rope. They will be spending the night here.

Tom: No babe, what if that noisy security guard comes here. Let’s take them to the Horizon River

Selina &Casey: (screaming) No…no…no…

Zandra: Tom is right, we’re taking you to my favourite spot.

Selina: Go ahead and kill us, it won’t help to cry and beg. You will do it anyway, just know that you will never see heaven my dear.

Zandra: (laughs) Correct. I will kill you for not minding your own business and I will kill you for stealing my man. Oh, I hear you talk about heaven, what’s that? Tom is not going to see heaven too, we all the same. Tie them up Tom.

[Tom is tying Selina and Casey]

Tom: Done, bring the dustbin.

Zandra: See, your little investigation got you in trouble. You guys will be spending the night with crocodiles in the Horizon River. Are you ready for the trip?

Casey: (cries) This is all my fault, take me and leave Selina alone. I’m the one who dragged her into this whole thing.

Zandra: No you two need to be punished for stealing my man.

Selina: Alex is gone, why fight for him because you have already killed him.

Zandra: I don’t have time for chit-chat, time is not on our side, that noisy security guard may come anytime. Let’s get moving (throws sellotape to Tom). Close their mouths before they start causing a scene.

Casey: Please let us go, we won’t tell anyone I promise. We promise.

[Tom puts them in the dustbin, shutting their mouths.]


Tell us: Do you think Zandra will get away with it?