(It is during break time at Tlhompho Secondary School. Matome and Thato are standing inside the toilet, right next to the main entrance’s door. They are smoking cigarettes while Thato’s cell phone is playing music in his pocket.)

Matome: Achuz, I am very proud of the way you spoke to Mahungela this morning in class. You have truly put him in his place. You should have seen him after you left. He looked like he was hit by a train. He quickly got out and ran to the staffroom. It served him right.

Thato: That useless teacher thinks he can control us. We are not his kids. I just hate him so much. Next time, I will beat him up until his bones get broken.

Matome: Yeah, we should beat him up. In fact, we should bring a knife and stab him. It will teach him an unforgettable lesson.

Thato: Now you are talking my language. That is a good plan. Bravo. (They laugh and end up dancing to the song while they are high due to smoking cigarettes.)

(A few minutes later, Thabo enters the door and covers his nose with his one hand because he does not want the smoke from the cigarette to enter him.)

Matome: (Points at Thabo.) Look at this weak boy, busy covering his ugly nose.

Thato: He is busy playing with girls like Lesedi. No wonder he is too weak. Perhaps, he is gay, this one.

Thabo: (Irritated.) I am not weak and I am not gay. Please, let us respect each other.

Thato: Prove to us that you are not weak. Take this cigarette and smoke it now.

Thabo: I do not have to prove myself to you. Look, I cannot change the way you think about me. (He tries to walk away, but Matome stops him.)

Matome: Where do you think you are going, running away? That is why we say you are weak. Weak people always run away.

Thato: Yeah, he is a chicken. (He and Matome laugh at Thabo.)

(Thabo feels embarrassed, so he quickly grabs the cigarette from Thato’s hand and smokes it. He starts to cough.)

Matome: (Smiles.) You see, now you are becoming a man, Thabo. Continue to smoke and stick with us. We will teach you how to become tough.

(While they are talking, the bell rings as an indication that break time is over, and all the learners go to their classes.)

Tell us: Do you think Thabo is going to give in to peer pressure?