In most cases, if you are continuously doing good things to others, they start treating you as their magic wand, to cast miracles on things they desire in life. Forgetting that you are only helping them just because they are your friends, you love them, care much about them, and strong because the good Lord taught us to love others as we love ourselves.

Though other people may treat us wrongly when we decide to help them, we should not feel sad about it and must never stop doing good deeds to them, just because they didn’t return the same favour we did to them. Even though appreciation is what we mainly expect from them.

Not all people, such as our relatives, friends and neighbours are able to see the good things we do for them. They just don’t know what God meant when he said, we should love others as we love ourselves, for we are all equal, and others don’t even know that God really said these words in the Bible.

Always remember, we should understand the words in the Bible by reading, knowing and using them appropriately, that includes helping those in need with all our heart willingly and thanking God for all our friends that exist in our lives. As we live here on earth, for God to bless our lives with more blessings and also be happy with us.

Again, we should also thank our friends for everything they do for us when we ask them, or they are willing to do for us. We should know that it is God that is using them to help us, for God is not visible to our eyes, he (God) mostly visits and helps us through our relatives, friends, neighbours and others.