I’m just too tired, I can’t take it anymore. I’m tired of hurting and hoping that one day things will be alright. Being too tired doesn’t mean I’m a loser or that I’m giving up and it doesn’t mean that I’m weak. I just want to try new things. But I’m holding on to the past and to the memories of the people that I used to love.

I’m tired of giving myself false thoughts about things I don’t have control over. Starting now, I’ll take control and responsibility for my actions. I’ll focus on changing the things I have control over and letting go of the things I can’t change, things that are out of my reach.

Crying has exhausted and drained me, I can’t take it anymore, so I’m wiping my tears away. It hurts seeing you happily in love and at eternal peace in another girl’s arms but making peace about it won’t hurt. It’s never hurt anyone. I’m letting go of you and the time we had.

We have come to the end of our road, acceptance is the way forward. To go our separate ways is the best. We need to grow up and learn to live without any fears and regrets.

I’m tired of fighting it’s not worth it and nor are you. I’ve wasted a lot of time. Time surely waits for no man, I have to use it wisely and profitably for my wellbeing. The merry go round we were on has become monotonous and so it has to come to an end.

I’m just too tired sweet love.

Have you ever found yourself walking away from a draining relationship?