One afternoon I was walking with my friend when my neighbour invited me to come to her house. At first I was shocked.

“Why would she invite me to her house?” But I went to her and when I arrived, she asked me what I had done all day. I thought she was going to offer me a job. Every day I looked for a job so I could make some money. I told her there were no jobs. I had found nothing.

She opened her bag and showed me the bursary forms to apply at False Bay College. She told me that she knew how bright I was and she believed in me. She believed that I could do it and make it happen.

At first I was not ready, but one day I decided to go to her and I signed those forms and I was accepted. I had to do levels (NCV) because I did not have Matric. I started at level 2 (Grade 10 in school) up to level 4 (Grade 12).

I stuck at it and finished all my levels.

I thank her each and every day for those years I did at the college, because I don’t know where I would be without her today.


Tell us: Has someone ever helped you realise your dream? What did they do to help?