Nthabiseng has been possessed by an evil spirit for a long time. The only people who understood her situation were her mother and her psychiatrist.

That day she was laying on her bed looking at the ceiling, waiting for her psychiatrist to arrive. This was during one of her episodes as a possessed soul. That’s when an evil spirit returned and she could feel terror in the air as the lightbulb began to flicker and her bedroom door slammed shut on its own, purposely locking Nthabiseng in her bedroom.

There was something evil lurking in the shadows. Nthabiseng could feel imaginary fingers tickling around her neck. As if something was about to strangle her to death. In a blink of an eye she saw what appeared to be a transparent dark figure above her head but could not tell what it was or what it wanted from her.

The invisible dark figure disappeared in a matter of seconds as Nthabiseng felt a powerful dark force around her body. This was some sort of evil spirit inserted into her soul. She was no longer herself in that moment, as an evil spirit took control of her body. She looked like a demonic dark creature as the pupils in her eyeballs turned white.

“Nthabiseng my child the doctor has finally arrived, please unlock the door!” Nthabiseng’s mother shouted.

Nthabiseng ears were deaf and she could not hear anything. The bedroom was filled with darkness and Nthabiseng’s soul was trapped in hell with her body under the control of an evil spirit.

“Nthabiseng, please open this door right now or I’m breaking into your room!” Mrs Sithole, Nthabiseng’s mother shouted.

The psychiatrist treating Nthabiseng entered the house.

“How is she today?” asked Doctor Smith, Nthabiseng’s psychiatrist, putting her briefcase on the table.

“I’m not sure doctor, I think something is wrong with her,” Mrs Sithole replied, terrified.

Mrs Sithole was fearful for her daughter, Nthabiseng as she forcefully broke into her bedroom, breaking down the door handle.

“Oh my God! What is happening to my child?” she said.

Her daughter’s body floated in the air. Mrs Sithole quickly ran into the kitchen and took out a candle in the cupboard. She then lit the candle and went into Nthabiseng’s room. She put the candle in the air with her right hand and began praying for her daughter.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall fear no evil!” shouted Mrs Sithole.

The prayer frightened away the evil spirit and Nthabiseng woke up from the nightmare as she opened her eyes. She could see her mother staring at her, holding a candle, standing next to her psychiatrist Doctor Smith.

“Oh my goodness, are you alright my child?” Mrs Sithole asked.

Finally awakened from the evil spirit. Nthabiseng was herself again, as her body began to loosen up from the imaginary chains of horror. She spoke slowly trying to explain to her psychiatrist what had just happened to her.

“What was that Nthabiseng?” Doctor Smith asked.

“I don’t know what it was doctor,” Nthabiseng said.

She was unable to tell her psychiatrist the horror she’d experienced. Whatever it was, Nthabiseng could not describe it in words but her body began shaking in front of Dr Smith looking so fragile. The doctor could tell it was something bad just by seeing how terrified she was.

“I am scared, Doctor, I don’t know what to do anymore,” Nthabiseng said, as she confided in her psychiatrist.

She felt powerless, as fear began creeping into her heart. She was sitting on the bed with her hands tight around her legs. She could hear something moving around the house and her feet could barely touch the floor. As the invisible footsteps walking around her persisted.

“Can you hear that doctor?” Nthabiseng screamed.

As she covered her ears trying to block the terrible imaginary noise around her. There was a ghost around the house and she spoke of it like someone who was asleep having a nightmare.

“I am so afraid, I can’t even sleep, Doctor,” Nthabiseng said.

“You are going to be alright Nthabiseng, I am going to refer you to a pharmacist and I’ll prescribe you with these pills,” Dr Smith said, giving Nthabiseng a referral letter, “this should help you get some sleep.”

“You don’t understand doctor!” Nthabiseng shouted at Doctor Smith.

There was a dark sound in her voice as she began to strangle her psychiatrist, putting her hands around her neck. Nthabiseng was no longer herself again. As the evil spirit surged into her soul, taking control of her body once more.

“What are you doing to me, Nthabiseng?” shouted the doctor in terror, as Nthabiseng continued to strangle Dr Smith to death.

Mrs Sithole came rushing back to the bedroom holding a candle light, “God Almighty, protect my daughter from evil!” she shouted.

The evil Spirit within Nthabiseng’s body smacked Mrs Sithole on the face as she fell down hard on the floor. Mrs Sithole fell unconscious. The candle light she was holding caught up with the curtains on the walls of the bedroom, in which there was fire resulting in the house burning down into ashes.

Nthabiseng’s body burned with the rest of the house as her soul was taken by an evil spirit.


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