Akhonto ibuhlungu nje ngokukhula ungamazi umama wakho ude udlule kwi 15 years. But thanks to my granny Nokhaya Nqiwa, that woman would do anything for me ukuze silale sityile. She is the one who made sure ukuba I went to school and passed, that I eat each and every day, that I have clothes to wear – a uniform and shoes and I look as beautiful as other children.

My granny has always been a superhero woman because she is a go-getter and she always tells me: “Yamkela, ndicela ufunde mntana’m ungadlali ngoba ngexesha lethu yayingekkho lenyweba niyifumanayo nina.”

Each and every day she is the one who is going to wake up and make me porridge and ensure that I go to school looking clean. Every Sunday we would go to the Anglican church together.

As for me growing up, I never knew ukuba amakhulu was not my biological mother ngoba I use to call her “Mama.” But growing up I heard things, ukuba she’s not my mom, bendikuphikisa ndome ngoba I knew that from the things andenzele zona she’s still my mother and will always be my momma.

Without my granny neemfundiso zakhe ngendingekho kule ndawo ndikuyo ngoba ndinje nje kungeemfundiso zakhe. She always tells me ukuba “Noba kunjani na I will always love you.” She always warns me ngezinto ezenzeka emhlabeni. She knows ukuba I love food and she used to say: “Utya kakhulu kodwa awutyebi.”

“Haibo Mama,” I would reply.

And she would just nod and say, “Ewe nje.”

The best thing she has done for me is to raise me. And If I can study further I will, just for her. I love her. Thank you Majola for everything you have done for me.


Tell us: Who is your superhero?