My name is Rakim. My name was given to me by my parents and it means ‘straight path’. I really love this name because it brings out the best in me and I live by its meaning.
My dad disagreed when my grandparents gave me this name because he wanted to name something to his satisfaction.
Living a straight path is very good because it takes you away from bad influencers and it makes me a better person. It has been a good long 18 years knowing that my name is something so powerful and strong. I also have a second name. It is Musa. This name was given to me by my mother. I really adore this name. My uncle is also named Musa. This creates a strong bond between us because we have something in common.
Musa means ‘strong, intelligent, with no fear’. This puts a good heavy weight on my shoulders because I am strong, intelligent and I am also without fear. And believe me when I tell you that I live up to my name.
