I guess I can say I know a thing or two about life not being all roses and rainbows, and life’s ability to exhibit a sudden change. But what do we call that sudden change, and is it really as sudden as we deem it to be?

Within my short years of experience, I have come to learn that these building blocks to logic, which we as mankind created to give meaning to life are in actual fact meaningless. And in fact they validate not man’s acquired intelligence and knowledge, but rather man’s desperate need to be in control; to fathom as to teach and pass on.

Man fears the idea of not knowing and that which he does not know, and so in his ability to discover in authenticity of truth fails him, he restructures the meaning of truth. He creates his own definition to the level of his understanding and then calls that logic. Hence we have numbers and words as the basis to fundamental and evolutionary existence. What then happens, when numbers and words cannot render meaning to the saying of the experiences we encounter as living beings?

What number or word can be used to explain fear, love, loss, mourning, pain, joy and growth? All coexisting at the same time in the body of a single individual. And so when we fail to give singular meaning we narrow our existence. Omit certain parts of our emotions so we can find an understanding. Then when these omitted experiences can no longer remain omitted or avoided, we call it the occurrence of sudden change. But nothing is sudden about it.

You’ve been trying to run away from time thinking you are running away from these undefinable experiences, but actually what you didn’t know was that time is experience and experience is time. Time is not the same for every living being, but it is definitely the unarguable referent. All you need to know, you’ll know in time. It is just paramount that we understand, that we do not just exist in time. Time exists through us; our existence is that medium of expression for time. So maybe we ought to stop being afraid of what we don’t know nor understand about ourselves, and let time be the teacher and let time do the work.


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