Samu’s birthday was on the 29th of January and today was the eve of her party. Samu always wished for a skateboard so she was confident that someone would buy her one on her birthday party because everyone knew she loved it. At last, the big day arrived and they had to wake up in the morning and decorate the tents and make other preparations.

Everyone arrived, Samu sat on a big chair and had a crown on her head as they sang. Then it was the time to open presents. Everyone had to hand out their presents so they could be opened. Samu was so happy and excited. Her granny’s present was long and straight. When it was opened, she realised it was just a raincoat. Her friend’s present was also tall and straight. It was an art board and the rest of the presents were clothes.

She was annoyed and pulled a fake smile acting like she was happy. Samu was so angry she just couldn’t wait until the party was over. It rained and Samu’s mom told Samu to put on her rain coat. Samu got bored and her mom told Samu to play on her art board. That was when Samu realised that her birthday presents really helped.


Tell us: What do you think of Samu’s birthday?