High school is the best part of life because that is when you learn about how the outside world will treat you and the different kinds of people you will meet.

My high school life has been really challenging so far but I have met some of the greatest souls. Well, some were not great, but I’m thankful that I met them because I got to learn about the kinds of people that I will get to meet. I have learnt how to be around people, what certain things I should do or should not do.

High school is where I learnt that the people you love and trust the most can change on you at any minute, and that is OK because all you need is yourself, not them. I have shared the most exhilarating moments with these people and wouldn’t trade them for anything, and them changing on me does not affect anything we’ve shared because those were the greatest moments of my life.

I also got a hint of how I should handle myself in a relationship because I started dating when I was in high school, like most people do. He was my first boyfriend and he taught me a lot. I learnt that a relationship is a two-people thing, that’s why we are called a couple, we both have to make an effort to make it work. Communication in a relationship is important, you have to communicate the things you don’t like to your partner so that s/he can fix them. I also learnt that you have to be physically and emotionally ready for a relationship and that is why I didn’t date any more because I am not ready.

My high-school journey is about to end and that is really sad and exciting at the same time because it means I’m growing but it also means I’ll be leaving the wonderful souls that I have met. I have also met some wonderful teachers who did not only give us lessons about a particular topic in maths or any other subject, but also gave us lessons about life, about how you should handle yourself in front of people, and I’m really grateful that I met them too.

I wonder what life after high school will be like. The majority of people say it is hard, but I am only going to believe them once I have experienced it myself. Hopefully it will not be that hard.


Tell us: How was your high school journey and what lessons did you learn?