Lesego Mosweu was one of the most quick-witted boys to grow up in a small village called Ganalaagte (Rakgwedi section). He was raised by a single parent. Only his mother was there for him during his lifetime.
It was 16 January 2016, early in the morning when Lesego was busy in his bedroom preparing himself to go to school. His school, Rakgwedi Bokang Secondary, was located near his village, so he was supposed to walk 10 kilometers in order to be at school. He was one of the Grade 11 students in that school.
No matter how far he was made to walk to school, he knew that in order to become triumphant in life he had to be educated. As I said, he was raised by a single parent so it was not easy for him during that time, but that situation never changed his hard work at school. By all means he was working to become one of the top students at Rakgwedi Bokang Secondary School.
Around February 2016 the head of the school, Principal Mr Dan Meleloe announced the issue of rewarding those who perform better in each of the seven subject during the first term examination. By this time Lesego’s mind was all over the place thinking about this announcement. He was asking himself whether he will be one of those students who will be given the awards.
This was during the examination months: “Lesego, I know you’ve got a potential my child, and I believe in you” said his mother. “Thanks mom, and I promise you that I’ll work hard in order to pass” Lesego responded. Maria was one of the most imperative people in Lesego’s life. She gave her child support and encouraged him throughout his lifetime.

Every dog has its day. This wonderful day arrived when Lesego was awarded four silver medals for being in first position in Life Science, Physical Science, Mathematics and Agricultural Science. “Now I can see my dream of becoming an attorney” said Lesego. It was his ambition to become a barrister.
Unfortunately the sad moment happened when Lesego’s mother died. Everything changed at that time. Lesego decided to drop out of school because he thought that he was alone in his life. He then decided to become a hoodlum and to be affiliated with a gangster crew who sold dagga in the community. Everyone in the community was solicitous about this gangster crew. One day Lesego and his crew decided to put the cat among the pigeons and perform a robbery at one of the local shops called Mamo’s Shop.

The weed of crime bears bitter fruit. Thirty minutes after the incident, Lesego found himself in a penal institution (cell number 34786). “I was like a fish out of water, I’ve never thought about this place before. Now I’m in the dock and everything about being a lawyer is a dead loss” said Lesego. The situation was so uncertain he could not accept anything that happened in his life.