The Covid-19 pandemic has been an extremely tough period for many people around the world. During this time we have had to deal with many uncertainties that can cause stress and anxiety, especially for those who are unemployed. Here are a few tips on how to effectively manage this.

It’s important to stay focused and keep busy.
1. Exercise daily.
2. Go for a walk outside (be sure to keep your social distance and wear a mask).
3. Keep a positive attitude during this process.
4. Set daily inspirational reminders on your phone.
5. Write down a list of your achievements and reflect on the hardships you overcame to accomplish this.
6. Practise gratitude.
7. Listen to music.
8. Practise 5-10 minutes of deep breathing daily.
9. Talk to a loved one about your fears.
10. Keep a journal – this helps put your feelings into perspective.

Keep trying, don’t quit! Remind yourself that this too shall pass and is just a stepping stone to success in your journey. Show yourself the love, acceptance and compassion that you show to others.

Remember that you are not facing this alone. We will rise above this together and come out stronger as a nation. Although it may be difficult, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. All it takes is self-discipline, commitment and perseverance.


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