As education is the key to success, then there is need to invest in education. Teachers need to be motivated in order for them to deliver their full expertise to the students. Teachers are the worst civil servants who can go on several months without payment. No wonder some may indulge in businesses, even during teaching hours, for survival.

This is the case, especially with primary school teachers. And strikes have been so often that they have threatened students’ education. Few public universities have been a challenge to the growing number of school leavers who are eligible for university admission. So, with high tuition fees in private universities, not many can afford to sponsor themselves through those universities.

So, introduction of community colleges is very welcome development as it will create space for students who cannot afford going to private universities, and those that were left out by public university selection. This can help the school leavers to acquire innovative ideas, thereby contributing greatly to the development of this nation and of course, reducing the burden of dependency syndrome among the youth.

There is need to seriously curb corruption in this country. There is no sense just calling for action against corruption without really taking action. So it is the same as doing nothing about it. Nearly in all departments of government there is corruption. Of late it has become so open that if no action is taken it might badly affect the growth of different sectors.

For instance in education it has been rumoured that some pay bribes to be on public university selection list. We guess it is for this reason that many students are weeded from different public universities every year on “academic grounds”. So there is need to take more action on corruption and to closely follow all government departments and institutions. If every institution can be probed yearly, then there can be a great change.

If only we can handle donor aid very cautiously, that’s when we can win this fight. We need not to frustrate our donor’s efforts of helping us to win this battle. We need to appreciate the donor community by using their funds for intended purposes. There is need for the government organisations and non-governmental organisations at the end of each year to give a clear report on how donated funds have been used for easy monitoring. There should be a strong verification that the things they are reporting, truly do exist.

If in union be strength, we shall determine our destiny together. Let’s all agree and work together as one. As people with a shared dream and destiny, let’s not frustrate one another when one has a sounding idea. Let’s support each other as people and a nation with common goals. It is a battle that sees no wealth or poverty of people. We believe it is poor people that make wealthy people. So there is need to collaborate among us people as a nation to end this poverty. Together we can win this battle.


Tell us: What do you think can be done to kill corruption in African countries?