South Africa is one of the countries that was in the past colonised, and it is because of the icons of struggle who sacrificed their lives to make sure that South Africa today is successfully progressed to a democratic and free society, that all people live together in harmony. Our democracy is abided by the constitution.

Our constitution stated that it is committed to promote respect for, observance of, and the protection of human rights of everyone without fear or favour. Human rights are basic rights that everyone has, simply because they are human beings, and they are protected by the Bill of Rights. We know and understand that every right is important to every human being as it is written in bill of rights, hence when I had to pick a right regarding the most important one to me, I found it very difficult. However, I came across a right to Life. A right to life is the moral belief that a human being has the right to live, and in particular should not to be unjustly killed by another human being.

A right to Life to me is a fundamental right which all others are corollaries to because it simply means everyone owns his/her body. It is your property to do with it as you please. No one may force you to do anything, no one may injure you in any way, and above all, no one may take your life without consent. The right to Life is a very important right if you were to enjoy other rights. It is our responsibility to honour this right in a way that we value and respect other people’s human rights. It is very sad and shocking to see after 21 years of democracy in South Africa how often people lose their lives cheaply, while we watch and wait for other people to take action reporting such cases. The way we are keeping things going, we are slowly buying into an idea of silent witnesses, which is a very disrespectful way of honouring people who fought for our freedom. We all now have a responsibility to build a better nation, so that the next generation can also enjoy the fruits of hard earned democracy. We are very grateful for what our icons have done for us, and we owe it to them to educate the very old and new generations about their rights and responsibilities because we see incidents where people take advantage of them. When you know your RIGHTS and I know mine, we will build a GREAT NATION.