The internet is a great space! One of its greatest areas is social media. Social media was initially created to aid in business networking, to help people to connect with business and academic acquaintances. But more and more people needed faster and cheaper ways of communicating after cell phone calls, SMSing and emailing became mundane.

In 1997, the world’s first recognisable social media site was created called Six Degrees. Users of the platform could create friendships with other users and have their profile pictures uploaded. Since then, more and more sites were introduced with popularity differing from country to country.

The most popular sites today, in no particular order, are WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram, among others. They have all been great tools to keep in touch with friends, family, business associates and inspirational public figures.

Social media has unfortunately also been a breeding ground for scammers who catfish people into sending them money and gifts. People use other people’s glamorous images to try recruiting them into Forex and Bitcoin trading schemes too. Images have also been used to spread fake news.

Luckily, there are tools one can use online to verify image sources and to detect Photoshop use. These platforms do not need fancy computers or one to be a computer whiz. They can be used on your smartphone!
One of the sites is called TinEye. On TinEye, you can upload an image or image link to check where an image really comes from. When someone is trying to recruit you into buying anything or sending them anything, this is the site that’ll help you gather whether an image has already been used somewhere else or not.


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