I declared Tuesday, 28 January 2014, the longest day ever. I was so tired I felt like I had been carrying a load of bricks. I was walking home slowly, shifting my weight from side to side, when the most handsome guy approached me. I was taken away by his physical appearances but at that moment I wanted nothing more than to get home, take a bath, eat and sleep.

He drew nearer to me, leaving no space between us. He finally introduced himself as Khulekani Ngcobo, I told him my name as well. I knew immediately that he was not from around because of the way he was talking. I didn’t want to be rude by asking if he is from the Western Cape since he had a Xhosa accent. I initially didn’t intend to talk to him, but there was something about him that made me want to know more about the guy.

Maybe it was the way he looked at me, the way he smiled, or the fact that he wanted to carry my bag. Yeah that must be it; guys don’t carry women’s handbags these days because they are afraid of being labelled as gays, well I don’t really know. All I know is at that moment I wanted him near me. We talked about a lot of things: such as trust as the common issue in relationships, career paths, family, favourite moments at school, tertiary education, friendships.

Then finally he told me about his passion.

He told me, and I quote, “I wanted nothing more from a young age than to own a business and make my own income. But parents don’t seem to understand anything we tell them”. Listening to him talk about his passion made me want to tell him mine – which is of course is writing.

Time seemed to fly and before I knew it we had reached my destination and we had to part ways. I must admit I didn’t want to go; I was too attached to this guy. And in my mind I kept asking when will I see him again, but didn’t want to be too forward by asking him that. He took his time when giving me my bag as if he was asking himself the same thing.

He finally spoke, and uttering his thoughts, I answered him, “I don’t know, you have my number.” He asked for a hug and we held on to each other like long lost relatives. It was the warmest hug I had ever felt; this guy sure had my heart. For days that followed I could not get him out of my mind and it seemed like he knew it. I would catch myself thinking about him and he would call me at that instant.

What we felt and still feel needed no explanation; even a 2-year old could see and understand the connection we have. After a few days he left for his home town and promised to come back on Valentine’s Day. I kept thinking to myself that I have never celebrated Valentine’s, felt but this year was going to be different.

Not only because of him but also because I had a new job and I was going to break the news to him on that special day. I didn’t get time to think about him for days that followed since I had to pick up at work, make sure Human Resource didn’t regret hiring me.

Valentine’s Day finally came, and then all the waiting was worth it. When he held me in his arms it hit me; I love him. My name is Phumelele Khumalo, and I can’t help it I’m in love.