How do I make it when there are so many obstacles in my way? My vision seems blurry and I doubt that with my vision, it shall happen in time. I feel like giving up, but I’ll never give up.

When a baby is born, for a minute you forget about the pain and focus on the joy that it brings. Life is just like that; full of so many challenges, but with God, obstacles and challenges are nothing. From my experience, challenges are brought to you to make you strong, to test your faith, to test your belief, and to test who you are and how you’ll be.

I have experienced a lot of challenges from childhood. I realised how much I would give up if I quit, and so I insist on fighting. I would listen to people deceiving me, but I was still a baby then. Now I know the most powerful person is God and God is the ruler of my life. When I grew older, I was able to correct my mistakes and focus on my life in order to be strong and powerful and never give up.

I know sometimes things go slow, and some things are meant to not go your way, for some reason. But do not give up, as hard as it seems, you shall make it. Everything will be okay as long as you keep pushing, making sure you make it. You will reach where you want to reach and conquer all those challenges that have made you strong.

I’m a young adult now and I’m not willing to give up, not anytime soon, not ever. No matter what, I shall obtain what I want. You can also do it, so don’t give up and just keep pushing, even if it takes too long. Remember that obstacles are there to make us use them and to be strong, and we will make it.


Tell us: Where do you draw your strength from?