At the age of 13, I lost my mother and my grandmother chased my siblings and I out of her house. We stayed in a shack for two years alone, and in 2010, my stepmother took me in with her and my siblings returned to my grandmother’s house.

I hated my grandmother for what she had done to us, but I refused to hold back my life and dreams because of the hatred I had for my grandmother.

I passed Matric in 2014 and went to college to study Human Resources. Many people did not believe that I had made it to tertiary level because I grew up in a poor family where we only ate rice during Christmas. They judged me based on my standard of living, forgetting that in life you must never judge a book by its cover.

Yes, I’m the young girl who grew up in a shack, eating food that was barely enough to keep body and soul together. But I’m building my empire all the way from zero to hero and people will always be amazed by my success because they only judge a book by its cover.