Fear is the devil unseen but respected for his evil ways, fear is the height unconquered but respected for its long rope less free fall, fear is Athazagoraphobia not wanting to be ignored or forgotten.

Fear is the reason why you are not at your full potential right now of being loved back, missed and cherished. Fear is the reason why you are fixing so many issues within yourself instead of just being who you are. Fear is the reason why you never finish what you start because you always second-guess your choices.
Fear is the reason why you never take a leap of faith because you are too worried about what lies ahead. Fear is the reason why you smell of weakness amongst wolves and why you will never be a part of the amazing pack. Fear is the reason why you will never be a leader because you too busy waiting to be told that you could be amazing with great potential in reaching your dreams. Fear is the reason why your relationships never last over five months and you push everyone that loves you away.

Fear is the reflection in the mirror, that face that looks back at you and says, “We’re are too short and slow to race against Bolt we can never win,”
Those eyes that say, “We’re not strong enough to wrestle John Cena, he’s unbeatable,”
That deep cancer that says, “We’re too weak to go into combat with John Wick we don’t know how to fight using a pencil.”
That disgusting smell of a look that says, “We’re are too unqualified to be the president and lead our country.”
That prison cell within ourselves that says, “We’re too ugly to date Miss Universe.”
That rotten self-doubt that says, “We will never be good enough to amount to anything.”
That disturbing word that needs you to break its chain, fear.

In life, you shouldn’t second guess your capabilities but trust your gut feeling. Exercise your mind every morning when you wake up. Look in the mirror and say, “I am great,” and “I am worth it.”
Whatever it may be that you feel you deserve, shoot your shot and go for it, you have nothing to lose and remember how long you have been under lock down; that should be inspiration enough to reach for the stars.

Fight for what’s yours, expand your horizons, accessorise your plans to be a player, the future is now. Renew your membership within you every chance you get by telling yourself that you are worth it. No fear.


Tell us: What is the biggest fear you have overcame?