Depression neither asks questions nor warns you before it starts. I may be having a great day for it to turn sour within a blink of an eye. People call me ‘moody’ and other different names, but no one comes to ask and figure out why my emotions change so drastically.

A few months back, I tried committing suicide. I was labelled an ‘attention seeker’, no one really came to ask why I did it. It drained all my energy, my joy and my dreams; I lost the meaning of life. I pushed away everyone I cared about and placed myself into a dark quiet place. People who commit or try to commit suicide are labelled as weak, but how will they be strong if we do not offer a helping hand? It is like a parasite that sucks every positive thought you have until your mind is filled with negative thoughts. It doesn’t leave room for positivity, it snatches that away any chance you get to smile.

Here I am today just waiting to see what the next day would bring. I’m drowning in negative thoughts, swimming in pain and panic attacks, lifting my hand up hoping someone would lift me up but all they do is laugh and pass. I have allowed it to control my life like I made a sacrifice, regardless of how happy I am, I can never smile for long. Depression took over my life.


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