I was fast asleep when I heard some footsteps. I thought I was dreaming, until I realised I was being retrieved from deep down my thoughts. When you approached, I saw you holding something like an object. I thought you were to harm me, until I realised that you were not armed. I was still expecting you to bear with me, until I realised you were my wakeup call for me to rise to a vocation. I won’t deny the fact that I was in denial; I couldn’t believe you have done that, but I’m glad it was done. If it wasn’t for that, the giant within me that I never knew existed wouldn’t have been awakened!

I had contradictions within my thoughts which lacked competition. I competed with my consciousness, in doing so, realized I was a slave of my own weaknesses. Yes! I was weak, therefore I needed exactly what you did to me in order for me to rise up from that death bed that you were so quick to declare – my doomsday. I was still fast asleep when you ignited my purpose, the most vital aspect I was still lacking, which kept me asleep all along. Indeed, it was due to me. It forced me to consult my inner conflict, my guardian angel. I then realized that my fate wasn’t up to you, but it was within me and only I could determine that. I’m glad you betrayed me. I would still be asleep and lost in my thoughts had you not.

I consulted with my saviour who revealed so many things I never knew I was equipped with. While all along, all I did by trusting you was letting you harm me. I called unto him like he declared in the book of Jeremiah 33:3. You know what thee did? He did exactly what I knew, not what I expected – thee answered. I’m glad I did consult thee. I asked Him; “Why did you let all these things happen to me?”

Thee replied, “If it wasn’t for all those things, will you be knowing of my existence?” Well, I was still in denial, so I couldn’t answer.

Today I walk with faith because I know for sure that it shall set me free. I thought I lacked persistence, but I was wrong. All I lacked was faith and hope. I’m now awake and seeking new challenges. Could you please come and be my guest because the tea you once made for me with the aim to burn me, today, all it does is to warm me. Moreover, all I can now smell is its aroma and it taste so sweet to my lips. What was once meant to burn me is now blessings in disguise.

Wow! You were to bless me all along, I can’t believe that. Behold! All of you hypocrites, you’re all going to pay the price someday. The table shall be prepared in front of all of you, my enemies. Even though I walked through the valley of death, I feared no evil. Therefore, I’m sorry that I’m not sorry! All thanks to you, my sorrows!

Like R-Kelly says in a song; “The storm is over now”. I can see the sunshine and I can now enjoy its view from the distance. I’m glad you betrayed me, for that; I forgive you as I feel blessed for ever meeting you. After every storm, rainbows always rise to vocation.


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