They say the best motivation you can give to someone is based on your experiences. If you want to lose anything that you own, just stay in your comfort zone. Many people have lost their positions, ideas, talents, potential, money, and possessions, and that reflects why you choose to be on your comfort zone. The comfort zone has killed more dreams and ideas more than rejection and failure ever did. The truth is: when you stay in your comfort zone, it’s a dead end.

There was a time during my journey as a football player when I was around 15 years and I was playing in the first team. I was one of the youngest players. During that time I was doing my best and enjoying the experience in the first team. I was contributing immensely to the team performance and there were times where I would take a bullet for them when they least expected. Every time they would be so eager to see me playing. I felt like the protagonist in the team and I had this wrong perception that they could not succeed without me.

That’s when I started staying in my comfort zone. I would usually go out with my friends and drink, reject their calls when they call me. That boosted my ego and it made me feel so powerful. Staying in my comfort zone was a habit to me. When I got back to the training sessions after two weeks, unfortunately the tables had turned and I was replaced by someone, and that ambushed me ‘cause I thought they would never go out and find a replacement for me. I figured that when I came back they would be so relieved. I was released from the first team. I was not even given a chance to train with them.

With the experience of the comfort zone that’s exactly what many people do nowadays. When you start feeling comfortable in your corporate business position, your talent or your ideas just know that there is a person out there waiting to replace you and they are waiting for you to stay in your comfort zone.

We need to remember, at the back of our minds, that there are people who are waiting to see you go down. Some people are putting in their best effort, energy, time, and focus and they’re aiming for that position that you don’t take seriously and are bragging about to the needy. The high rate of unemployment is escalating on a daily basis, people are striving very hard to see themselves working. Once you are staying in your comfort just bear in mind that some people are having sleepless nights, studying very hard. Some are making severe sacrifices just to earn your position.

It’s never too late for you to move out of that zone. Remove things that lead you to stay in your comfort zone – it might be people, complacency or ego. Get rid of your restrictions before it’s too late. Just remind yourself about the time when you had nothing to eat.

Remind yourself of the time when you were rejected by companies. Remind yourself of your sleepless nights and once you do that you will start remembering that someone out there is going through the same situation like yours and that will remind you to start appreciating and valuing what you have right now.


Tell us: What do you think about comfort zone?