Waking up in the morning, feeling the sunrays on my beautiful face and being filled with hope for a productive day ahead. The day when I’ll be out of this hellhole, without my uncle preying on me. I’ll be at school singing all the physics laws, not at home singing a lullaby to my hungry baby sister. The only thing I’m looking forward to is the smell of the factory’s chemicals, at least that shows that we are heading for something, an input for an output. The streets will once again fall into their perfect form.

“Kuhambani mfethu?” The bees and my gees in the streets, back to the hustle.

Young blood looking for life in the streets again. The train surfers risking their lives just to make it to the other side of town.

I’m definitely not looking forward to those long and cold nights where one has to sit up and study for the June examinations. Those nights when I’m trying to get some sleep, but the people at the tavern next door are having a good time. I wish those taverns could close forever.
