Some call it unemployment. Others call it not generating revenue. Others call it failure in business. It all evaporates to being without a source of income. As an unemployed adult, I am ashamed. As a woman without a source of income, I am compelled to be extra submissive. I have to serve to every command and demand of my husband/master. As a woman without a job, I must therefore always be in the mood.

As an adult man without a source of income, I am a subject of ridicule. The neighbours discuss my incompetence. My wife has suddenly become a person with short temper. As an unemployed man I dare not ask about prices or utter one word about my torn clothes. As a man without a source of income I must not have an opinion and just remain quiet.

As a young adult without a source of income, I must forever be available. I must be available for family and relatives to drop off their siblings and nephews at me. I have absolutely no right to be tired. I must wake up, clean, cook, wash, bathe, feed, nurse, smile, wake, and repeat.

As an uncle without a source of income, I am not an uncle. As an uncle without a source of income I cannot be called to the family meetings. What discipline comes from an uncle who is not monied? As an uncle without a source of income I have become homeless. The relatives and the church elders call me by my first name. No more ‘Mister’ so and so.

And as an uncle without a source of income, my blessing is not necessary. The kids can just get married. The cow can just be slaughtered. The ceremony can begin and end with me just sitting at the corner of the tent. The ceremony can begin and end with absolutely no word or prayer from me. No prayer.

As a family with no source of income, we are happy to be jokes and points of discussion during your, “Well we have it bad but as for so and so” talks. Add a laugh. Our poverty is funny. Our poverty as a family of adults who have no source of income is hilarious. They make examples of us. It is fine to see us as the donkeys and horsepower at your family functions. We must happily laugh along and exert our physical strength. We must work harder than the catering company for our plate of food.

Some call it unemployment. Others call it not generating revenue. Others call it failure in business. It all evaporates to being without a source of income. As an adult without a source of income, I am ashamed.


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