WHAT LIES BENEATH: Unpacking Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
6 days ago
This narrative essay piece is part of the FunDza Fellowship Project, showcasing the incredible talent of our 2024 Fellows. These stories were crafted by emerging young writers as part of their journey to hone their skills in storytelling. Each piece reflects their unique voice and creativity. We’re excited to share their remarkable narratives with you!…
Much to Do About Porn
a month ago
The first time I watched porn, I kind of stumbled upon it in my parents’ bedroom. They had this VHS tape with a naked man and woman on the cover, wrapped in an embrace, hidden between the books on their bookshelf. I was eager to see what was on this tape, because something about the…
How to use a condom
2 months ago
Everyone always tells us to perform safer sex. “Use a condom,” our teachers frequently tell us. “Why didn’t you use a condom?” They ask when something went wrong, but has anyone ever actually told us how to use one? How to make sure it is put on in the right way? It can be daunting…