
Josh’s story has already been told, though not from his perspective. As you know, he was involved in the altercation with Nathan and Teeny at the campsite kegger. What you don’t know is how he wound up there, at the same party as two would-be heroes, in a different state. How maybe he wasn’t quite the villain that scene painted him to be.

Josh is a fairly tall swimmer (6’1” to be precise) and has the long, lean body to prove it. His musculature is thin but completely defined. He has a shy smile and a quick wit, and he’s unfailingly loyal to his friends and family. It’s funny, he never really did anything bad before everyone got abilities, but we all sort of knew he’d end up as a villain. I wonder why.

If you recall, Josh’s parents made the decision to take their family up to Sun Valley for some biking. Josh didn’t really want to go (correction, he did, just not with his family weighing him down), but caved when he thought about all the single women who might be vacationing with their families.

Josh, his parents, and his younger sister packed and hit the road in his dad’s bright blue truck. Sticking to the speed limit, the way parents tend to do, they got there a little too late that Friday night to do anything besides grab some much wanted dinner and retire to their room.

At least, the rest of Josh’s family retired. Josh decided to stick around for a little dessert. The moment his family was out of sight of his table, he started hitting on the very attractive banquet server whose section he was sitting in, and wound up with a not-so-subtle invitation to hang around for another half hour until her shift was over. Josh was more than happy to accommodate her schedule.

Most of the staff of Sun Valley, attractive banquet server girl included, wound up at these parties, as there’s nothing better to do in Sun Valley for the workers. Josh showed the girl a good enough time Friday that she not only asked him to spend the night in her barely-big-enough-for-two bed (which he had no qualms about), but the following morning, as the sun came splashing through the blinds, she told him about the kegger and asked if he’d go on her arm. He readily agreed. The morning sex that followed was spectacular. Not that I watched, of course; the grin painted on his face after told the tale well enough.

After that, though, he had to attend to his family for the day, meeting them at their room just as they were getting ready to head out. They all had a good laugh over his sleeping arrangements, making raunchy jokes throughout the day of biking. Josh took it all in good humor, though truth be told only half his mind was paying attention to his family. The other half was thinking about the kegger, and the girl, and the possibility of more girls to come depending on how he played his cards at the party. He did not invite his sister, however, as she was under 21. Mainly he didn’t want to have to look out for her, let alone give her the opportunity to get in the way of his flirting.

The day passed fairly quickly, and before he knew it he was in the banquet servers little purple Subaru heading up a winding dirt road into the campsites just north of Sun Valley.

Josh and his date arrived just as the party was being set up. A handful of French guys were getting the campfire started, relying more on lighter fluid they had brought than on doing a decent job stacking the wood properly in the fire pit. About forty feet away from the budding fire five kegs were being tapped, each a different type of beer. One of the tappers broke off from the group and approached Josh, starting to say something about a cost for the plastic cup he had brought over. His date intervened on his behalf and Josh ended up not having to pay a dime. For a second he felt bad about planning to go home with someone else. The moment passed though, and he felt fine again. As he stood there making small talk with the girl, other cars started pulling into the gravel parking lot; obviously this was a group camping site, meant to accommodate a good amount of people.

The sun went down in a blazing explosion of oranges and reds, and not one of the people at the budding party noticed, Josh included. The only thing he was paying attention to was each new car parking and unloading (keeping on the lookout for potential one night stands), and the cups of beer disappearing into his liver. He was a heavyweight drinker, though, so he was really only starting to feel a decent buzz when he looked up from the cute banquet server, who was talking about…hell, he didn’t know, nor did he care…and he saw someone else, across the campfire. He didn’t know it at the time, but it was his enemy, beautiful though she may be.
