He left me with no choices,
He made it difficult for me to reject him
How do I tell him bad news while he was
always good to me,
How do I tell him
that I am not in love with him while he is
deep in love with me,
head over heels in love with me?

He introduced me to his family without even
Hearing my side, hearing how I feel about that
How do I spoil his fun, wipe away the smile on his face?
I’m not a party pooper, yet I want to ruin the party
How do I do that?
He spoiled me and I never complained, yet I’m not in love with him
He helped me settle in, in a rented backroom
when nobody was there to help, including
my so-called boyfriend, he volunteered.
How do I deliver bad news to such a guy?

I was never good at pretending, I cannot even kiss
the poor guy, shy to walk with him in public
Yet he is so proud to be seen with me.
He brags about me around his friends and cousins.
I never came here looking for a boyfriend
well at least not so soon.
I just wanted some peace and quiet
And to focus on the learnership and the good life I wanted
But definitely without a boyfriend.
But here I am, facing something I wanted to avoid so badly.

Cruel heart was never on my list of life journeys
‘Heartless’ is not on my vocabulary
Nor pretending to be trapped in a very bad situation.
“Ka setswana bare ke ya e gapa ke molato,
ke ya e tlogela ke molato
ke kgomo ya moshate.”